=========== Predictions =========== It is hard to predict things, especially the future. - Niels Bohr Predictions: - @ryneches: by Dec 31, 2015, Illumina reads will be longer than Sanger reads ever were. (> 1kb) - @arturgreensward: by Dec 31, 2015, PacBio will be the only thing used to sequence bacterial genomes - @pathogenomenick: by Dec 31, 2014, there will be two Nanopore platforms usefully available - OH: by Dec 31, 2013, Mick will ask for an embargo on new assemblers - @lexnederbragt: 2014-2015, diploid aware assemblers will emerge - @pathogenomenick: by end of 2015, graph based variant calling will be default - @ryneches: by 2016, computation will be considerably more expensive than sequencing - @ctitusbrown: by 2016, the field will have solved the expensive computation problem and > 50% of non-biomedical computational analysis will be a commodity service (although it may not be a particularly good commodity service)